Curricular Practical Training

Curricular Practical Training

What is CPT?

课程实践培训(CPT)或“实习”是一种临时授权 参加与你的专业学习领域直接相关的实践培训 I-20. “实践培训”可以包括就业或实习经验(带薪或带薪实习) unpaid).  CPT是由学生移民服务局授权的 & Scholar (ISSS) office in accordance with F-1 regulations.  

CPT可以是兼职(每周20小时或更少)或全职(超过20小时) per week). 如果您累积超过11个月的全职CPT授权,您 lose your eligibility for Optional Practical Training (OPT)F-1学生的另一种就业许可. Part-time CPT, and fewer 超过11个月的全职CPT授权,不影响你的OPT资格.

课程实践训练旨在成为教育的重要组成部分 program. 它不应被视为或用作规避就业的便利手段 restrictions.

CPT is employer specific.  授权文件通过SEVIS,联邦 政府数据库,针对特定雇主,在特定地点针对特定雇主 period of time.


You may be eligible for CPT if you:

  • Are currently in valid F-1 status (active).
  • In good academic standing - not on probation
  • 已经被云顶集团的学位授予项目全日制录取, 并完成一学年的课程.

 请注意:在学期日历上,学生的“学年”为9个月.  “一学年”是指学生在三个学期日历上连续的两个学期.

CPT Application Steps

  1. 向学生移民服务处确认你有资格参加CPT考试 & Scholars Office (ISSS). See eligibility requirements above.
  2. 与随附的录用信一起确定未来的工作日期. Your offer letter should include
    • 工作邀请需要有公司抬头,并且应该包括:
      • Start date 
      • Your job title, to include your job description
      • 你的工作身份确认书(全职或兼职)
      • 你的主管的名字和他们的云顶集团,包括电话 number and email address

  3. Complete your Internship Proposal. The proposal should include:
    • How the job relates to your course work
    • What you are going to learn
    • How it relates to your career goals

  4. 在你的学习领域找到一名全职教员作为你的CPT教员 Supervisor. 出示你的初步实习申请、录取通知书和实习经历 Proposal.
    • 如果教师同意担任您的CPT教师主管,请 he/she sign page two of your Internship Proposal.

  5. 在获得你的CPT学院主管的签名后,要求院长 sign page two as well for final approval.

  6. 要求教务处(红衣主教法雷尔厅)为你创建一门课程 internship and sign your Internship Proposal. Please be sure to take your Preliminary 申请和实习建议带你到注册办公室确认 your CPT Eligbility. 

  7. 步骤5-6完成后,继续进行 CPT Application,上传你的初步实习申请、录取通知书和简历 completed Internship Proposal.

  8. 审核完您的CPT申请文件后,ISSS将更新您的SEVIS记录 and issue you a new I-20.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I work full time while on CPT?

  • 为了全职工作,你的累积平均绩点必须达到3分.5 or higher
  • Part time CPT you must have a cumulative GPA of 3.0 or higher

课程实践培训(CPT)和选修实践培训有什么区别 Training (OPT)?

CPT或“实习”是与实习直接相关的临时授权培训 to your major field of study listed on your I-20.  CPT is employer specific and must be done before you graduate.

OPT是可选的,因此毕业生可以在公司找工作 在完成他们的项目后在美国工作.  OPT is not employer specific; however you will need to acquire a position related to your major field of study listed on your I-20.


Do I have to be registered while on CPT?


Does CPT usage affect OPT eligibility?

您可以使用最多11个月的CPT,而不会影响您的OPT资格.  Using 超过11个月将使你失去OPT的资格.  Part-time CPT does not affect OPT in any way.

Do I need to have a job to apply for CPT?

你必须有工作邀请才能申请CPT,因为授权是为了 a specific employer.

Can I change the number of hours I work?

你可以在兼职或全职的范围内改变. For example, you may change 在没有新的授权的情况下从每周10小时增加到每周15小时. However, 如果您从兼职改为全职(反之亦然),则必须申请新的授权.

另外,你不能把你的时间从兼职改为全职 直到下个学期你的GPA得到确认.

Can I change employers?

由于CPT是针对雇主的,你必须在你申请之前申请一个新的CPT授权 work for the new employer.

Can I extend my CPT?

在你的I-20表格上,你被授权指定特定的工作日期. You may not begin 在开始日期之前或在结束日期之后继续. You must apply for an extension 在足够的时间让你的ISSS顾问发出新的CPT授权之前 您可以在当前CPT结束日期之后继续.

Do I need a Social Security number?

Yes, you will need a Social Security number in order to receive payment from your employer.


一般来说,作为F-1学生,你将免交社会保障税 for your first five years in the U.S. as long as you continue to declare nonresident status for tax purposes.

除非你符合美国和欧盟之间的税收协定.S. and your home government, your 作为F-1学生的收入将受到适用的联邦,州和地方 税,雇主需要从你的工资中扣除这些税. For more information on taxes, consult the Internal Revenue Service.


No. I-20表格第3页的CPT授权是你的就业资格证明 和你的I-94卡一起可以用来完成就业资格 Verification Form I-9 required by your employer.